In partnership with Next Step and Jocelyn Giammarino (OT), our skateboard therapy program, "Skate to Relate," is dedicated to providing a unique and empowering experience for underserved youth prioritizing BIPoC and low-income communities.

Through a combination of skateboarding instruction, mentorship, and therapeutic interventions, we strive to create a safe and inclusive space where underserved youth can thrive.

This program is not open to public but we encourage schools and sponsors to partner with us to bring this opportunities to more youth.

Photo by Bonnie Durham

  • Our program focuses on using skateboarding as a therapeutic tool to help participants manage stress, build self-esteem, and develop coping skills. Skateboarding provides an outlet for self-expression and a sense of accomplishment, promoting emotional well-being.

  • Through skateboarding, participants will have the opportunity to set and achieve personal goals, overcome challenges, and develop a growth mindset. Our program encourages self-reflection, self-awareness, and personal development.

  • Skateboarding inherently involves falling, getting back up, and trying again. By embracing the resilience required in skateboarding, participants learn to persevere, adapt to setbacks, and develop a resilient mindset that can be applied to other areas of life.

  • Skateboarding is a physically demanding activity that promotes strength, balance, coordination, and cardiovascular fitness. Our program encourages regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among participants.

  • Our program pairs participants with experienced skateboarders who serve as mentors, providing guidance, support, and positive role modeling. Mentors also help participants develop life skills, set goals, and navigate challenges.

Program Objectives